We use Fivetran to connect third party tools to our data lake, also including Assembled. Fivetran works by incrementally synchronizing the data for the different tables. This works well for newly added events, but updated and deleted events are not properly captured, since Assembled does not offer the right columns to recognize these actions. The current solution is that Fivetran has to fall back to a full historical sync weekly. Because of this issue, records can be outdated for up to a week, reducing the reliability of the data, and requiring many manual syncs in the meantime. My request is for Assembled to expose the required fields to capture updated and deleted records in Fivetran. Improving reliability and reducing costs. Thanks! You can find more information in the Fivetran Documentation. https://fivetran.com/docs/connectors/applications/assembled https://fivetran.com/docs/getting-started/glossary#reimport