It would be helpful to implement a visual analytics tool that allows users to monitor state usage and performance metrics on a daily basis. The tool would provide detailed breakdowns per site, line of business (LOB), and individual agent performance. It would also visualize ticket data by channel, showing how many tickets agents are solving and closing. Additional insights such as agent-specific Average Handle Time (AHT) would be included, offering historical charts that allow easy detection of business needs and opportunities without the need for deep data analysis.
Use Case:
This tool will help business managers and operational leads identify trends in agent performance, site efficiency, and LOB effectiveness. It would allow stakeholders to detect business opportunities (e.g., bottlenecks in ticket resolution, higher ticket volumes by certain channels, or discrepancies in AHT) and quickly address gaps in service or reallocate resources where needed. The historical data charts will simplify tracking over time and facilitate data-driven decision-making.