Start date for Shift Patterns
Flame Porcupine
It would be extremely helpful to have the ability to schedule when a shift pattern becomes effective in the same way you can with templates.
In fact, being able to add shift patterns to templates would be awesome.
In our use case, we just completed a shift bid and are creating new templates, and a lot of our agents will be moving to new shift patterns as well. However, we can't publish those shift patterns until the day before they go live, which falls for us on a weekend when we do not work. It would be ideal to automate this so that we could keep their existing shift patterns and have their new shift patterns take effect on a specific date.
This would also be helpful in the case of schedule exceptions such as leave and onboarding of new agents; i.e. we could be able to have a temporary shift pattern for folks that are onboarding or have a temporary leave event.
Previous Squid
Start date for shift patterns is also critical when the number of hours worked in a day will be potentially changing, because Time Off requests are required to follow the shift pattern. So for example, if I'm currently working 8 hour days but will be switching to 10 hour days starting next month, and I need the last half of the day off, Assembled will not allow me to enter that request, because it doesn't match my current pattern. And I can't just change the pattern early, because then any full day requests in the interim period will be for the wrong number of hours.