additional adherence reporting
Appropriate Crocodile
It would be great to have the ability to expand on adherence reporting. Our old WFM tool had a report that we could pull at any level (queue, team, site, individual, etc) to see the users scheduled events vs what state they were actually in. Similar to the agent scorecard, but broken down by the scheduled events vs agent states and easily exportable. When we need to dig into an individuals adherence at an interval level with the current reporting, we are having to export their schedule for days/weeks/months and export their actual states from our call center tool to compare which is time consuming.
Appropriate Crocodile
Another awesome thing with this type of reporting would be the ability to drill in on areas where we were below our expected targets in forecast vs actual or other reporting to see if those that were scheduled were not where they were meant to be.
Example: we have 3 analysts scheduled to be available for inbound calls in this 1 hour interval. Our service level in that interval was significantly below our target. If we could see the adherence percentage for that queue combo in that interval, and maybe even the specific people that were out of adherence that would be great!
For this right now we are going through team performance and trying to see if we can figure it out based on adherence percentage, but still end up having to go through each analysts scorecard to find the outliers